todo recuerdo tiene su lugar y su momento

todo recuerdo tiene su lugar y su momento

lunes, 18 de abril de 2011


Itze BLOG " has a very good proposel on the LGBT rights witch is something we should take seriously because its has got to end all the abuse they ave on them just because of their sex diferences. She has a very good point on view.

Jonathans BLOG it has a good idea but still why would tennagers want to be emancipated i mean we can bearely live well with our parents emagine us having to do the groseris and paying bills a house to live in we might have to get a job and pay school i mean its kinda hard already with our parents emagine without them ! something to think about.

karlitza BLOG she has a good idea i mean why would the elderly be mistreated they are people too who ones were young. They should be treated with care respect as any other human bein.

KATHY :D blog her blog is very good and am with her any right is important but freedom of religion should also be and am glad its is today .

jenny <3 i am with jenny tenaggers do make a great part of the world and this is going to be our future might as well start making good disitions know as tennagers than later on in life

juans blooog imigrants do and should be treated as any other people because as juan said they do and still are like any other people some do it for the good others for the bad but for some not all should be punished for all

ivania blog is not so good i mean they got in jail  on their own will because they had options but i know every one diserves a second chance but not like she propososed maybe just to have longer time on their visit but thats about it.because in the end they are still criminals.

gabriela blog her proposal is very good because its is true i mean if elderly cant get to their basic needs well we sons and daughters should provide the halp and asistance as being us personaly or others because elderly should not be suffering or even struggling on life because of the money i mean they paide for our things when we couldnt why not us to it for them when they cant :))

christians blog he has a good proposal and i think it is tru e whta he said.

mariah blog is so true women are mistreated alot and should have their own law or right to protect them selfves :D

domingo, 17 de abril de 2011

proposal? o.0

I propose that all LGBT have the same right as people who are not LGBT. That they should have the same things as job opportunities, health planes, loans, rights to study any where they can enter as we "normal"people do and so on. they should not be laughed at, looked at or talked about any diffrrently just because of their different sex love.

LGBT should be normal people as we are and treated as we are not less not more just eqaually respected,loved and handled. They should be as well protected and as we are by the state. They should be as well  treated as others and not be judge because of such thing as sex atraction!!.

domingo, 10 de abril de 2011

Change? we wish!

 Positive changes towards this group has not been at all. But negative yo say well yes we have Big negative changes. LGBT has been suffering death in the United States . More than 10 deaths has been done and threats have been said towards LGBT saying the following 

Te queremos ver muerto dentro de un contenedor de basura como el hijoputa seboso malnacido que eres”. Estas son algunas de las amenazas que se podían leer a través de la página web, en los comentarios que alberga, y que iban dirigidas contra el periodista de Intereconomía TV Xavier Horcajo. Unas amenazas e insultos que se producen días después de que el programa de Telecinco La Noria dedicara gran parte de su “tertulia política” a atacar a Horcajo

    This is just a small insu lt that I found but tons of theses has been foun ovver the inernet. There is definetly more negative reactions tward the LGBT than positive. Obama our president said that he will make every thing possible to protect and make the killers pay whta they have done to the LGBT because deaths of any kind are not aceptible. I believe that these were awsome words tward all types of people not only   the LGBT but to all peolple in the United States. :))

obamas' speah on gay rights
comments to LGBT (negative)

sturggle XD

From the yearly parade that commemorated the anniversary of the Stonewall riots began a national grassroots movement. Today many countries around the world celebrate LGBT pride. The pride movement has furthered the cause of gay rights by lobbying politicians, registering voters and increasing visibility to educate on issues important to LGBT communities. LGBT pride advocates work for equal “rights and benefits” for LGBT people.Pride parades for the LGBT community (also known as gay pride parades, pride events and pride festivals) are events celebrating lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) culture. The events also at times serve as demonstrations for legal rights such as same-sex marriage. Most pride events occur annually and many take place around June to commemorate the Stonewall riots, a pivotal moment in the modern LGBT rights movement. This has been a big struggle but its not over yet here are two videos that will make you think about what we humans do twards this people that are not different froms us !

jueves, 7 de abril de 2011


“Gay, lesbian and bisexual kids are being punished by police, courts and by school officials, and it’s not because they’re misbehaving more,” said Kathryn E. W. Himmelstein. 

And words like this make me think there is still discrimination for having a sex preference. Schools and legal systems are punishing GLBT's more than if they were strait. A study was mad and  researchers found that lesbian, gay and bisexual teenagers over all were far more likely to be stopped by the police, arrested or convicted of a crime than other adolescents. 

Politicians are braking the first amendment Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.They brake this by not having them express them selves as they want to . I believe they must change this and let people express themselves as they like its a free world and its never to late to speak up and show your true colors!

martes, 5 de abril de 2011


     As we all know rights of all types are hard to get. Especially LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual & trans gernder) people. Some may say that its not important since am not LGBT but it really is a big issue. One of the first openly gay man elected for any subtational political office was a man named Harvey Milk. Milk defied the governing class of San Francisco in 1977 to become a member of its board of supervisors, many people straight and gay had to adjust to a new reality that a gay person could live an honest life and succeed. 

               The daughter of Bilitis  is the first lesbian rights organization in the United States. It was formed in San Francisco  in 1955, conceived as a social alternative to lesbian bars, which were considered illegal and thus subject to raids and police harassment. It lasted for fourteen years and became a tool of education for lesbians, gay men, researchers, and mental health professionals.

   In the 1960's this LGBT group started but it started first by part as in lesbians,gay then so on. in my opinion it is not a weak group because it even has a month to celebrate their rights.It celebrates its 6th year of progress. Feburary its the month for LGBT.

Fun fact:))

GLBT has its own musium the mussium shows all of their leaders and how it all sterted :). I would like to see it some day it look pretty fun

viernes, 25 de marzo de 2011

-anything i want XD

  ivania :))
        I liked Ivania's blog because it was very informative. I liked how she introduced the in formation it was never shown as boring i actually had a good time reading. I also liked the way she said things about whites but she gave good reasons to support it.

carolina :DD

  Carolinas blog was more informative but the way she placed words made this a good and entertaining. I liked the way she made the point that indians were thauht as savagges. She made a clear point on their way of being. Over all it was a good essay :))

roxanne <3

  roxanne titile is like OMG. i love how she made it so honest and has facts about what she is talking about. She is on the right track and makes it a good essay. This essay really shows how she feels and thinks about but using historical facts to prove it.

 willie (:

   Fransiscos blog was very hitorical got to the point and had lots of information. This essay makes reading about history fun and intresting. I like all the info he has and how he knows what he is talking about.

Hiomark <33
 hiomarks blog is extremly informative. very precise and actual. reading this you could feel like if you were there. This makes you more clear image about what really happend :)

jueves, 24 de marzo de 2011


 By the mid 1800's whites wanted to assimilate Native Americans. Indians had to move to reservation camps.
They also had to change their names into Christian names. Whites made those whom joined the reservation camps cut there hair so they could blend with the rest. Clothing was changed too. The struggle of most was to learn the English language witch would separate them from their original culture.

   Charles Eastman is a great example for all these ways. He was a young Indian boy who by the age of 15 was converted into a Christian. He had to change his original name Hakadah  to Charles Eastman. The reason for the change of name was to make it easier for the whites to remember his name. Soon after this a restoration was made and all Indians living in the camps had to change there names too.

 Indians had to cut their hair into shorter. Since we all know that Indians long hair represented masculineness they did suffer. Most Indians had there hair as long up to the hip. Charles Eastman was made to this to assimilate more   like the whites. This was a suffering and painful experience to most of them.

Indians had their own language but by living in these camps they had to some how communicate with whites. This was when their  language was changed into the English . This was harder for the Indians since most of them were already familiar with their own language. It was hard and challenging but accomplished.

In conclusion whites assimilated most of the Native Americans. They made them do things they didn't want to do  like change their names and ways of living. Most people may not realize this but whites made a whole new person by making this changes because they were not themselves they were what whites wanted them to be.


miércoles, 2 de marzo de 2011

other blogs?


paola has a very intresting heritage i never knew she had descendent's who were slaves or that she had a grandfather who owned a land in maunabo it was good to here :D


i liked her journal it is very creative you could actually be in that time period experiencing what they were really being treated and their chalenges

jennys blog
 was explaining the irish and all there dificulties and it was very good

caros BLOGG

i liked her video it has very intresting thing i didnt know like they are racist with immigrants andthat some imigrants move to sell drugs and stuf it was good :D

jueves, 17 de febrero de 2011

MY culture :D immigration!

My family has been part of the immigration :D
this is because my aunt immigrated to Miami<3 20 years ago. She moved because she had a amazing job offer so she decided to move. It was no easy for her because she lived in a very racist. In order to live there you had to be a natural american.In my opinion this was very wrong because its just to live not like it was going to cause any problems but it there way of thinking. You are probably wondering why she got to live there if she was an immigrant and the reason was that she entered because she is naturally Philininne so she could get in. She was stopped many times and always asked many questions.Neighbors got used to it and know she is pretty loved in her comunity.

this is our world :?

- In my opinion this should be done and should NOT be done. It should because this will help those families which cant aford medical help or some other serious things just like health food or shelter but for fashion well no because this will be wasting the states money and not helping the state to prosper this is what i think of it.<3

miércoles, 16 de febrero de 2011

pretending to be a GERMAN :D

                                                                                                                   May 16, 1867

Dear journal

My name is Sofie Müller and am a native German immigrant. I say this but this is not something am proud of it is something I had no other choise to do. Apolda is were we used to live it was very hard growing in this city this is do to our terrible conditions. We know we live in California were have a better life getting here was the problem we had to take a long trip on a steamboat to get here but it was worth it. Well my time is up so we just arrived and were here in what we call miniature german towns is just like china town but only full of german people :) got to goo later :)

Dear journal                                                                                         June 26, 1870

hey, it been a while since I write to you but here I am. I have had no time to write since am moistly working. If your wondering what aree my jobs well they are not as i planed but its all i can get since I can only work as what am told. American women dont wan t us german woman to work certain jobs so we have to confor with what weve got are jobs are like holding jobs in a factory, or as a clerks. we got paid so little so close to nothing but its all we could get better than nothing. well i will have to go i will write to you soon :))

Dear Journal                                                                                                April 10,1871

Hi (:
I just got a terrible news German Americans and other kinds of groups are being separated into difrerent types of groups. they are divided because on geography, on ideology, and on religion which is not so good as it sounds know am just working with different people than what i used to work i guess things are getting just like germany but it better here than there:) i hope it is just for a good later ;)

Dear journal                                                                                         march 3. 1890

I am back but it is just to let you know that Religious differences were more enduring.With the Lutheran community in the United States there was considerable friction. Nineteenth-century German Lutheran immigrants found that the existing German Lutheran churches in the US had developed into what, to them, were unwelcome tendencies. Most had been Americanized enough so that English was used for all or part of their services. Even worse, doctrine had been liberalized. The older churches and their offshoots, established by immigrants who had come before the Revolution, had come closer to Reformed and even Anglican churches and in many instances had adopted preaching styles similar to that of the Methodists. These trends were, not surprisingly, more pronounced in the cities than in the country.

-:D german imigration :/

In sometime the 1700's Germans started leaving there land in hopes of a better&eassier life. They wanted to move in European countries.Germans did not move because of political issues if this might be your thinking. And yes they were attacked by armies!but no worries most left to Britain and others crossed the Atlantic to new york ;)

Germanys had a long trip to the US but it was very cheap so thats one way to look at it.Steamboats was what they used to get their :).they had to stop at Elis island to wait to go to the us it might had taken time or it would of been quick it depended

You might belive they lived in the city but no most lived on the countryside.
the miniture German town is were the mostly worked the had jobs such as bakers, butchers, cabinetmakers, cigar makers, distillers, machinists, and tailors. German women were discriminated they were not allowed to have works like the american woman instead, they sought after work as bakers, domestic workers, hotel keepers, janitors, laundry workers, nurses, peddlers, saloon keepers, and tailors; so yes it was hard for them but this was just how it worked.

This was just the way they lived in this time it was hard but they just seemed to prosper with hard work and effort. I now realise that all problems in life have solution good or bad but they can all be reeesolved enthough it might be a not legal way but they had curage to tak a risk and look for the american dream :))

German imigrants seeking for better life at Elis island