todo recuerdo tiene su lugar y su momento

todo recuerdo tiene su lugar y su momento

domingo, 10 de abril de 2011

Change? we wish!

 Positive changes towards this group has not been at all. But negative yo say well yes we have Big negative changes. LGBT has been suffering death in the United States . More than 10 deaths has been done and threats have been said towards LGBT saying the following 

Te queremos ver muerto dentro de un contenedor de basura como el hijoputa seboso malnacido que eres”. Estas son algunas de las amenazas que se podían leer a través de la página web, en los comentarios que alberga, y que iban dirigidas contra el periodista de Intereconomía TV Xavier Horcajo. Unas amenazas e insultos que se producen días después de que el programa de Telecinco La Noria dedicara gran parte de su “tertulia política” a atacar a Horcajo

    This is just a small insu lt that I found but tons of theses has been foun ovver the inernet. There is definetly more negative reactions tward the LGBT than positive. Obama our president said that he will make every thing possible to protect and make the killers pay whta they have done to the LGBT because deaths of any kind are not aceptible. I believe that these were awsome words tward all types of people not only   the LGBT but to all peolple in the United States. :))

obamas' speah on gay rights
comments to LGBT (negative)

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