todo recuerdo tiene su lugar y su momento

todo recuerdo tiene su lugar y su momento

martes, 5 de abril de 2011


     As we all know rights of all types are hard to get. Especially LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual & trans gernder) people. Some may say that its not important since am not LGBT but it really is a big issue. One of the first openly gay man elected for any subtational political office was a man named Harvey Milk. Milk defied the governing class of San Francisco in 1977 to become a member of its board of supervisors, many people straight and gay had to adjust to a new reality that a gay person could live an honest life and succeed. 

               The daughter of Bilitis  is the first lesbian rights organization in the United States. It was formed in San Francisco  in 1955, conceived as a social alternative to lesbian bars, which were considered illegal and thus subject to raids and police harassment. It lasted for fourteen years and became a tool of education for lesbians, gay men, researchers, and mental health professionals.

   In the 1960's this LGBT group started but it started first by part as in lesbians,gay then so on. in my opinion it is not a weak group because it even has a month to celebrate their rights.It celebrates its 6th year of progress. Feburary its the month for LGBT.

Fun fact:))

GLBT has its own musium the mussium shows all of their leaders and how it all sterted :). I would like to see it some day it look pretty fun

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